Home Developers Release NotesOpenBots Server v1.1.0 Release Notes

OpenBots Server v1.1.0 Release Notes
[New Features]
  • OpenBots Server
    • This is the first public release of the OpenBots Server! The Server will allow you to manage and deploy automated processes across connected agents.
    • Key Features:
      • Work Queues with Automated Retries
      • Assets (Text, Numbers, JSON, and Files)
      • Credential Storage (Both Active Directory and Application Credentials)
      • Complete Change Logs for easy tracking.
      • Process Storage/Versioning
      • Automation Scheduling (Recurring, One-Time, and Manual executions)
      • User Management
    • Support for an SQL Express installation is provided, and will require the installation of the specified prerequisite on installation.
    • More information on the OpenBots Server can be found at the following link.
  • N/A
[Known Issues]
  • When the installation is completed the automatically loaded page will sometimes be the dashboard rather than the Login page. Users experiencing this should click the user button in the top right and select Log Out to be taken to the Login page.
  • When connecting to a locally installed Server instance the Agent’s IP Address will be “::1”. This can be saved when editing the agent despite shown warnings. When creating the agent simply put a placeholder in.
  • When utilizing the SQL Express installation option the server will initially start up with a 500 error. This is due to the SQL Express instance requiring a restart after the installation is completed due to a change to the allowed authentication methods. Go to “Services” and restart the SQL Express service. After a few moments the server will start correctly when restarted in IIS.
  • Upon installation the Server may be unable to save files uploaded to the Server due to a lack of permissions to the installation path. Navigate to “C:\Program Files (x86)\OpenBots Inc.\”, and right click on OpenBots Server, Select Properties -> Security -> Edit -> Add. Type “IIS_IUSRS” and press “Check Names”, then press Ok. Select “Full Control” in the permissions pane for the IIS_IUSRS group and press ok. The server should now be able to properly save uploaded files.