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Christopher Surdak

Best Practices for Leveraging ChatGPT: Insights from Christopher Surdak

ChatGPT, the language model developed by OpenAI, has recently gained significant popularity and adoption. Its ability to process and generate human-like text has opened up new possibilities for various industries, including digital transformation, artificial intelligence, and natural language processing. However, effectively harnessing the power of ChatGPT requires a careful approach and an understanding of its limitations. 

In this article, we will explore the best practices for utilizing ChatGPT, drawing insights from Christopher Surdak, an expert in big data, digital transformation, and artificial intelligence.

Embrace Managerial Discomfort with ChatGPT

Digital transformation, powered by technologies like ChatGPT, is a disruptive force that fundamentally demands organizations change their operations and decision-making processes. 

Surdak emphasizes that if you are not experiencing some degree of discomfort or uncertainty, you may not fully leverage the potential of AI technologies. Embracing this discomfort signifies that you are genuinely undergoing transformation rather than making incremental changes.

Understand the Power and Limitations of Data

Data analysis is at the core of AI technologies, including ChatGPT. However, organizations must balance analyzing data and taking action based on insights. Surdak highlights the importance of converting data into meaningful outcomes and avoiding data paralysis. Acting upon insights is crucial for driving value and maximizing analytical efforts.

Overcome Risk Aversion

Traditionally, organizations were incentivized to maintain the status quo, as favorable interest rates guaranteed some returns. However, the digital era has disrupted this mindset, requiring organizations to take calculated risks and make proactive decisions. Overcoming risk aversion is essential for embracing AI technologies like ChatGPT and driving transformative outcomes.

Navigate the Trade-Offs

When utilizing ChatGPT or similar AI technologies, organizations often face trade-offs between accuracy, speed, and cost. It is challenging to achieve high-quality, fast results at a low cost simultaneously. Surdak suggests that organizations must make strategic investments based on their priorities and understand the inherent trade-offs associated with each decision.

Leverage Human Expertise

While ChatGPT can handle a significant portion of the work, it is vital to recognize its limitations. ChatGPT is trained on vast amounts of data, establishing statistical relationships between words. However, it lacks deep understanding, critical thinking, and domain-specific expertise. Organizations must leverage human expertise to complement ChatGPT’s output, ensuring high-quality outcomes by applying critical thinking and domain knowledge.

Understand the Training Process

Training AI models like ChatGPT requires substantial computational resources and extensive data sets. Recognizing the complexity and investment needed to train such models effectively is essential. Companies like Microsoft, Google, and Amazon have the scale and resources to perform the required training.


Leveraging ChatGPT and similar AI technologies can be a game-changer for organizations seeking digital transformation. Organizations can make the most of AI capabilities by embracing the inherent disruption, understanding the limitations and potential of data, overcoming risk aversion, and strategically navigating trade-offs. 

Integrating human expertise with the outputs of ChatGPT ensures the generation of high-quality, actionable insights. As AI advances, organizations adopting these best practices will be well-positioned to thrive in the evolving digital landscape.

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