Server Settings

appSettings.json File

OpenBots Server settings can be found in the file “appsettings.json” in the folder where OpenBots Server is installed. This file can be used to manage the following configuration settings.

Setting Description Default Possible values
Logging > Log Level > Default The Log Level of all “Default” catgeory logs Information Trace, Debug, Information, Warning, Error, Critical, None
Logging > Log Level > Microsoft The Log Level of all “Microsoft” catgeory logs Warning Trace, Debug, Information, Warning, Error, Critical, None
Logging > Log Level > Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime The Log Level of all “Microsoft.Hosting.Lifetime” catgeory logs Information Trace, Debug, Information, Warning, Error, Critical, None
Tokens > Key The key that will be used to validate the token issuer
Tokens > Lifetime Sets the lifetime in seconds of the generated token 1200 Number greater than 0
Tokens > Issuer Sets the URI of the token issuer   Valid URI
Tokens > Audience Sets the URI of the token audience   Valid URI
DBOption > Use SQL Server When true use SQL Server, otherwise use SQL Lite true true or false
DBOption > Migrate When true generates any missing migrations at run-time false true or false
ConnectionStrings > SQL The Connection string for the OpenBots Server.
HealthChecks > IsEnabled Enables/Disabled the HealthChecks module. true true;false
HealthChecks > Endpoint Relative path used to check the current health status of the server /health Valid relative path
HealthChecks > UIRelativePath Relative path used to access the ui page for health-checks /healthcheck/ui Valid relative path
HealthChecks > APIRelativePath Relative path of the API used to check the current status of the server /healthcheck/api Valid relative path
HealthChecks > HealthChecks > Name Name of status to be displayed in UI OpenBots.Server.Web
HealthChecks > HealthChecks > Uri The relative URL for the health checks page. /health
HealthChecks > EvaluationTimeOnSeconds Configures the number of seconds it takes for the UI to poll for healtchecks 10 Number greater than 0
HealthChecks > MinimumSecondsBetweenFailureNotifications Sets minimum number of seconds between failure notifications to avoid receiver flooding 60 Number greater than 0
WebAppUrl > Url The base URL utilized for hosting the site. Should align to the binding hostname in IIS when the site is started. Valid hostname
WebAppUrl > Login The relative URL for the login page. /auth/login
WebAppUrl > Forgotpassword The relative URL for the password recorvery page. /auth/forgot-reset-password
WebAppUrl > Tokenerror The relative URL for the routing page for token errors. /#/tokenerror
WebAppUrl > NoUserExists The relative URL for the routing page for when a user is not found. /#/tokenerror
WebAppUrl > Emailaddressconfirmed The relative URL for confirming email addresses. /#/emailaddressconfirmed
AllowHosts *
Kestrel > UseIISIntegration Confgures Kestrel to use IIS integration  true true or false
Kestrel > IsEnabled Enables kestrel configuration in the application False true or false
Kestrel > Port Specifies the port number to be used by application 443 Valid port number
Kestrel > IPAddress Sets the IP Address of the host Any “Any” or valid IP Address
Kestrel > Certificates > Path Specifies the file path where the Kestrel certificate is stored null
Kestrel > Certificates > Password Password required to verify the Kestrel certificate null
ApplicationInsights > InstrumentationKey Identifies the resource that you want to associate your telemetry data with
ApplicationInsights > IsEnabled Enables application insights for the server application true true or false
Origins > AllowedOrigins List of origin URLs that are permitted to make requests in the current policy. If none are provided, then all origins will be allowed   List of IPs seperated by semicolon
Origins > ExposedHeaders List of Headers that are exposed to the application in addition to the default headers Content-Disposition;Etag;Retry-After List of headers seperated by semicolon
Origins > PolicyName Specifies the name of the policy to be created CorsPolicy
IPFencing > IFFencingCheck Determines when IPFencing rules will be applied EveryRequest Disabled, LoginOnly, or EveryRequest
FeatureManagement > IPFencing  Used to enable the IPFencing feature in the application  true true;false
FeatureManagement > Swagger Used to enable the Swagger documentation feature in the application  true true;false
FeatureManagement > Hangfire Used to enable the Hangfire feature in the application  true true;false
FeatureManagement > HealthChecks Used to enable the HealthChecks-UI and HealthChecks-API  true true;false
FeatureManagement > Emails Used to enable the Emails API  true true;false
FeatureManagement > Files Used to enable the BinaryObjects API  true true;false
FeatureManagement > Queues Used to enable the Queues API  true true;false
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