Using Documents with Third-party RPA tools

It is possible to utilize OpenBots Documents with other RPA developer platforms aside from OpenBots Studio. Many third-party RPA tools utilize NuGet Packages to import the necessary commands/actions that provides developers with all the functionality that they may require to build out their automations. A NuGet Package is available that allows developers to import the different commands that will allow them to build an automation that can interact with OpenBots Documents.

To utilize this package, a developer will need to place a copy of the corresponding .nupkg file to the directory utilized by the IDE to import and load the corresponding commands. The commands made available are the same as the ones that are currently available when installing the OpenBots.Documents package in OpenBots Studio. The main difference when utilizing these commands in third-party platforms will be that they will require an API key, username and password that is utilized for connecting with the user’s OpenBots Documents instance.

Here is a list of all the commands currently available when utilizing this package with third-party RPA platforms for interacting with OpenBots Documents.

Change Status This command allows the automation to change the status of a document/task in OpenBots Documents. The TaskId of the task being updated must be provided and the following statuses are available for selection:
In Progress
Awaiting Verification
Compare Tables Allows automation to compare 2 tables cell-by-cell and reports on any mismatches that exist. Using this command, a user can specify which columns should be compared while performing the comparison as well as which ones should be ignored. A user can also provide the automation with a DataTable that contains the values that are expected and a DataTable where the search will be performed. This command will generate a DataTable containing the mismatched entries.
Get Document Status This command allows automation to extract the current status of the specified task. This command also contains parameters that allows users to instruct the automation to wait for the status of the specified task to be changed to completed. When used in this manner, the automation will query OpenBots Documents every 10 seconds until either the status is set to completed or the timeout has been reached.
Mark Document As Verified Marks the specified document in the task as ‘Verified’ status. Both the TaskId and the DocumentId must be provided. All other documents in the specified task will be marked for ‘Human Review’.
Save Document Results Extracts and saves the results of a processed file system folder. This command will output the resulting status for the specified TaskId as well as the folder path where resulting text and documents are saved to. Contains options for instructing automation to wait for completion and whether the automation should page images and/or page text.
Submit Document Command used to submit a file for processing by creating a new task in OpenBots Documents.
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