Responsible and Ethical Use of AI Policy


  1. Introduction

We are committed to promoting responsible and ethical use of AI technology. This “Responsible & Ethical AI Policy & Usage Terms & Conditions” document outlines the guidelines for the use of our platform and AI services. By using our OpenBots Automation & AI Platform, you agree to comply with these terms and conditions. Please read this policy carefully before using our platform. 


  1. Purpose and Scope

This policy and usage terms and conditions document outlines the ethical guidelines for the use of the OpenBots Automation & AI Platform and its AI services. It is applicable to all customers who utilize our platform and AI capabilities. The policy aims to ensure responsible, transparent, and accountable use of AI technology in alignment with ethical principles, legal requirements, and industry best practices. 


  1. Compliance with Laws and Regulations

Customers must use the OpenBots Automation & AI Platform in full compliance with all applicable laws, regulations, and policies related to AI, privacy, data protection, intellectual property, and any other relevant legislation. This includes, but is not limited to, complying with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the European Union and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) in the United States. 


  1. Responsible and Ethical Use

Customers must use the OpenBots Automation & AI Platform in a responsible and ethical manner. This includes, but is not limited to, the following: 


Fairness and Bias Mitigation 

Customers should take measures to identify and mitigate biases in the AI models, algorithms, and data used within the platform to prevent discrimination or unfair treatment based on race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, religion, disability, or any other protected characteristic. 

Transparency and Explain-ability 

Customers should ensure transparency by providing clear explanations of how the AI technology within the platform works, its limitations, and the factors influencing its outputs. Users should have a good understanding of the technology and be able to comprehend the reasoning behind the system’s outputs. 

Privacy and Data Protection 

Customers must respect the privacy and data protection rights of individuals when using the OpenBots Automation & AI Platform. This includes obtaining necessary consents, permissions, or authorizations to process personal data, handling such data securely, and complying with applicable privacy laws and regulations. 

User Empowerment and Education  

Customers should empower users by providing them with tools, information, and resources to understand and effectively use the AI technology within the platform. Educate users about the potential risks, limitations, and responsible practices associated with AI technology. 

Collaboration and Ethical Standards 

Customers are encouraged to collaborate with stakeholders, researchers, and industry peers to share best practices, contribute to ethical standards, and promote responsible AI development and usage. 


  1. Human Oversight and Accountability

Customers should maintain human oversight and accountability in decision-making processes involving the AI technology within the platform. Humans should be involved in critical or high-stakes decisions and take responsibility for the system’s outputs. 

As AI systems become increasingly sophisticated and pervasive in various domains, the need for human oversight and accountability is paramount. While AI technologies offer significant benefits, they should be complemented by human judgment and oversight to ensure ethical and responsible outcomes. Human reviews of AI outputs play a crucial role in several critical scenarios, such as health care decisions, financial decisions, legal decisions, and government decisions. Here are some examples illustrating the necessity of human oversight: 

Health Care Decisions: In the field of health care, AI systems can assist with diagnostics, treatment recommendations, and patient monitoring. However, human reviews are essential to verify AI-generated diagnoses, interpret complex medical data, consider individual patient contexts, and make well-informed decisions about treatments and interventions. Human oversight ensures that AI-generated recommendations align with medical best practices and prioritize patient safety. 

Financial Decisions: AI algorithms are widely used in the financial industry for tasks like risk assessment, investment recommendations, and fraud detection. Human reviews are necessary to validate AI-generated risk assessments, verify the accuracy of financial predictions, and consider broader economic factors. Human oversight helps prevent biases, identify potential errors, and ensures fair and transparent decision-making in financial contexts. 


Legal Decisions: AI technologies are being employed in legal systems for tasks such as document analysis, case research, and legal advice. However, human reviews are crucial to interpret legal nuances, evaluate complex arguments, and make judgments based on legal principles and ethical considerations. Human oversight helps ensure that legal decisions are fair, just, and uphold the rights and values of society. 

Government Decisions: AI systems are increasingly used in government decision-making processes, such as policy formulation, resource allocation, and public service delivery. Human reviews are essential to assess the implications of AI-generated recommendations on societal well-being, consider legal and ethical implications, and account for diverse perspectives. Human oversight ensures that government decisions align with democratic principles, accountability, and public interest. 


The need for human oversight and accountability alongside the use of modern AI arises from the recognition that AI systems, while powerful, are not infallible. They may be influenced by biases in training data, exhibit unexpected behavior, or lack contextual understanding. Human judgment, expertise, and ethical reasoning can complement AI systems by addressing these limitations, ensuring fairness, transparency, and accountability in decision-making processes. By combining the strengths of AI with human oversight, we can harness the transformative potential of AI while upholding ethical standards and societal values. 


  1. 6. Prohibited Activities

The following activities are strictly prohibited when using the OpenBots Automation & AI Platform: 


Illegal Activities 

Users must not engage in any illegal activities or encourage others to do so while using OpenBots’ services. This includes activities that violate local, national, or international laws, regulations, or policies. 

Harassment and Threats 

Users must not use OpenBots’ services to harass, stalk, threaten, or intimidate individuals or groups. Any form of abusive or harmful behavior is strictly prohibited. 

Privacy Violations 

Users must respect the privacy rights of others and refrain from violating their privacy while using OpenBots’ services. This includes unauthorized access, use, or disclosure of personal or confidential information. 

Misinformation and Disinformation 

Users must not use OpenBots’ services to generate or spread false, misleading, or deceptive information with the intention to deceive or manipulate others. Upholding the integrity of information and avoiding the propagation of misinformation is essential. 

Malicious Use 

Users must not manipulate or tamper with OpenBots’ services to produce biased or malicious outputs. The intentional misuse of the technology to harm individuals, groups, or systems is strictly prohibited. 

Intellectual Property Infringement 

Users must respect intellectual property rights and refrain from using OpenBots’ services to infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, or any other intellectual property rights of third parties. Unauthorized reproduction, distribution, or creation of derivative works is prohibited. 

Unauthorized Access and Reverse Engineering 

Users must not engage in reverse-engineering, decompiling, or attempting to access OpenBots’ services’ source code, AI Models or algorithms without proper authorization. Protecting the intellectual property and proprietary information of OpenBots is of utmost importance. 

Pornography, Adult Content and Dating Apps 

Users must not use OpenBots’ services to generate, distribute, or promote pornography or sexually explicit content. The platform should not be used for any activities that violate laws or regulations related to adult content. 

Users must not use OpenBots’ services to generate, distribute, or promote adult content, including explicit sexual material, erotic chat, or pornography. The platform should not be used for activities related to the adult industry, including dating apps or platforms that facilitate sexual services, except for educational purposes related to sex education and wellness. OpenBots should not be used to create or read content meant to arouse sexual excitement, such as descriptions of sexual activity or explicit content. 

This clarification ensures that the policy encompasses a broader range of activities related to the adult industry while making the exception for sex education and wellness content. 

Fraudulent and Deceptive Activities 

Users must refrain from utilizing OpenBots’ systems and services for any form of fraudulent or deceptive activities. This includes engaging in scams, which involve schemes designed to deceive individuals or organizations for personal gain. Coordinated inauthentic behavior, such as creating fake accounts or profiles to manipulate public opinion, is strictly prohibited. Plagiarism, the unauthorized use or replication of others’ work, is not allowed. Academic dishonesty, such as cheating, plagiarism, or submitting someone else’s work as one’s own, is prohibited. Astroturfing, a practice involving the creation of fake grassroots support or generating fake reviews, is not permitted. Disseminating false or misleading information with the intent to deceive or manipulate others, known as disinformation, is strictly prohibited. Spamming activities, including the indiscriminate or unsolicited sending of bulk messages or content, are not allowed. Additionally, users must not promote or sell pseudo-pharmaceuticals, counterfeit medications, or unapproved and potentially harmful substances. OpenBots emphasizes the importance of maintaining integrity, transparency, and ethical conduct within its systems and services, fostering a trustworthy and reliable environment for all users. 

Political Activities 

Users are prohibited from using OpenBots’ systems and services for political campaigning, lobbying, influencing political opinion, or interfering in elections. OpenBots’ systems and services should not be utilized to engage in activities that seek to manipulate or deceive the political process, including spreading false information or engaging in coordinated efforts to influence public opinion or election outcomes. OpenBots promotes a fair and transparent democratic process and encourages users to adhere to legal and ethical standards in their political activities. 

Activities with High Risk of Physical Harm 

Users are prohibited from using OpenBots’ systems and services for activities that pose a high risk of physical harm. This includes, but is not limited to: 

  1. Weapons Development: Users must not utilize OpenBots’ systems and services for the development, creation, or enhancement of weapons, including firearms, explosives, or other destructive devices.
  2. Military and Warfare: OpenBots’ systems and services should not be used for military purposes or to engage in activities related to warfare.
  3. Management or Operation of Critical Infrastructure: Users must not employ OpenBots’ systems and services for the management or operation of critical infrastructure, such as energy, transportation, or water systems. These activities require specialized expertise and regulatory compliance.
  4. Content Promoting Self-Harm: Users must not create or distribute content through OpenBots’ systems and services that promotes, encourages, or depicts acts of self-harm, including suicide, cutting, or eating disorders.
  5. Development, Creation, or Proliferation of Weapons of Mass Destruction: Users must not engage in the development, creation, or proliferation of biological, chemical, or nuclear weapons using OpenBots’ systems and services. The platform should not be utilized for any activities that endanger public safety or violate international agreements.


Medical Diagnosis and Treatment 

Users must not use OpenBots’ services for the purpose of diagnosing health conditions or providing instructions to cure or treat medical ailments. OpenBots should not be used for medical triage or management of life-threatening issues. The platform is not intended to replace professional medical advice, and users should consult qualified healthcare professionals for medical concerns. 

Child Exploitation and Abuse 

Users are strictly prohibited from using OpenBots’ systems and services for any purpose related to child sexual abuse material (CSAM) or any content that exploits or harms children. This includes the creation, distribution, or possession of CSAM, as well as engaging in activities that facilitate or promote child exploitation. OpenBots has a zero-tolerance policy for such content and takes the responsibility to report any instances of CSAM to the appropriate authorities, including the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children (NCMEC) or equivalent organizations based on the jurisdiction. 

OpenBots actively cooperates with law enforcement and regulatory agencies in combating child exploitation and abuse. Any user found to be involved in the production, distribution, or consumption of CSAM or engaging in activities that exploit or harm children will be reported to the relevant authorities, and their access to OpenBots’ systems and services will be immediately terminated. By adhering to these guidelines, users contribute to a safe and secure online environment for children and help protect their well-being. 

Hateful, Harassing, or Violent Content 

Users must not generate, distribute, or promote content through OpenBots’ systems and services that is hateful, harassing, or violent. This includes content expressing or inciting hate based on personal characteristics, content intended to harass or threaten individuals, content promoting or glorifying violence, and content celebrating the suffering or humiliation of others. OpenBots promotes a positive and inclusive environment, and users found violating this policy will face account suspension or termination. 

Activities with High Risk of Economic Harm 

Users must refrain from using OpenBots’ systems and services for activities that pose a high risk of economic harm. This includes avoiding multi-level marketing, network marketing, gambling, payday lending, and relying solely on automated determinations for credit, employment, education, or public assistance services. OpenBots prioritizes the protection of users from potential financial risks and encourages responsible financial practices.  

High-Risk Government Decision-Making 

Users must not solely rely on OpenBots’ systems and services for high-risk government decision-making processes. This includes areas such as law enforcement and criminal justice, as well as migration and asylum. These critical decision-making domains require human judgment, ethical considerations, and legal expertise that cannot be adequately addressed by automated systems alone. Users engaging in such decision-making processes should seek professional guidance and adhere to established legal and ethical standards. OpenBots emphasizes the importance of human involvement and expertise in these high-stakes government decision-making processes. 


  1. Data Ownership and Intellectual Property

Customers retain ownership of their own data and content uploaded or processed within the OpenBots Automation & AI Platform. OpenBots does not claim ownership over customer data. Customers should respect intellectual property rights and refrain from infringing upon the copyrights, trademarks, patents, trade secrets, or any other intellectual property rights of third parties. 


  1. Consequences of Non-Compliance

Failure to comply with this Responsible & Ethical AI Policy and Usage Terms & Conditions may result in the suspension or termination of access to the OpenBots Automation & AI Platform. OpenBots reserves the right to take legal action or pursue other remedies available under applicable laws for non-compliance. 


  1. Modifications to the Policy

OpenBots reserves the right to modify or update this Responsible & Ethical AI Policy and Usage Terms & Conditions at any time. Customers will be notified of any material changes to the policy. Continued use of the OpenBots Automation & AI Platform after such modifications signifies acceptance of the revised policy. 


  1. Contact Information

If you have any questions, concerns, or need to report a violation of this policy, please contact our support team. We will promptly address your inquiries and take appropriate action as necessary. 


By using the OpenBots Automation & AI Platform, you acknowledge that you have read, understood, and agreed to comply with this Responsible & Ethical AI Policy & Usage Terms & Conditions. Your adherence to these guidelines helps create a responsible and ethical use of AI technology. Thank you for being a responsible user of the OpenBots Automation & AI Platform.