May 28, 2024  |   2 min read

OpenBots Gen AI Automates Patient Referral, Improves Productivity by 30% and Reduces Errors by 80%

  • Industry: Healthcare
    Region: Americas
  • Department: Patient referral management
    Products: OpenBots Gen AI Enterprise Document Transformation Platform
  • 40%Document handling Speed
  • 30%Efficiency Boost
  • 50%Reduced Time
  • 80%Less Human Errors


The client’s patient referral management process involved receiving referrals through multiple channels, including fax (85%) and direct access (15%). Upon receipt, patient details were manually extracted from referral forms and entered into the Referral application. Using API integration, the Referral application synchronized with the CRM, ensuring real-time updates across both platforms. Patient insurance coverage was verified by scanning insurance IDs and checking coverage details, including the need for prior authorization. If prior authorization was required, a patient summary form was submitted to the insurance web portal. Once authorization was secured, the results were diligently updated across Referral application, CRM, and EMR application, ensuring continuity of care and keeping all stakeholders informed.


  • Manual data entry led to errors and delays.
  • Patient information was spread across multiple documents or systems requiring extra efforts to consolidate and verify.
  • Discrepancies between referral information and insurance requirements resulted in delays or denial in processing claims.
  • High operational costs due to redundant processes.
Discover how OpenBots GenAI can revolutionize your business operations.


  • Deployed OpenBots Gen AI Enterprise Document Transformation Platform to optimize document processing workflow.
  • Solution utilizes AI to automate the extraction, classification, and management of information from various documents, enhancing overall efficiency.
  • Integrated OpenBots with current systems to ensure seamless interoperability and to facilitate smooth data exchange and communication.
  • Utilized OpenBots to automate repetitive tasks such as data entry, report generation, and document handling.


Document handling Speed

Increased the document handling speed by 40%, reducing the average processing time from 10 minutes to 6 minutes per referral.

Efficiency Boost

Efficiency boost led to a 30% increase in overall productivity.

Reduce Time

Reduced 50% time in data transfer and coordination in teams thereby enhancing overall efficiency.

Human Errors

The automation reduced human errors by 80%, improving data accuracy and consistency.
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