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Hear it from our customers

“Having an outside partner that truly objective that can look at a aprocess side-by-side and coming with an outside perspective is critical to identifying the optimal solution. We found this to be OpenBots’ hidden value.”

Andrew Duncan SVP, TruHome

Insurance Company
from Oklahoma City, US

“The highest value of our people is to use their expertise to service our customers… With OpenBots, we can grow our program without being hindered by the expensive license costs from other platforms.” – Jeff Nickles, VP of Innovation and Data,

Plaza Home Mortgage
put in place an RPA framework with four key components

The mortgage industry needs process optimization and cost control to succeed. Plaza Home Mortgage put in place an RPA framework with four key components: defining tasks, articulating how to perform them, identifying success or failure, and exception processing.
OpenBots was a new player in the mortgage industry with a small toehold, but the opportunity cost was worth the risk. A cohesive team was built, deliverables were produced at an impressive pace, and the project was an unquestionable success. We recommend OpenBots as an RPA platform solution and SourcePoint as an integration partner.” -Joe Lewis, CTO, Plaza Home Mortgage

Healthcare Company
from Ontario, Canada

Roger Han describes how KMH Labs, a healthcare company from Ontario Canada, implemented Intelligent Document Processing and RPA.
KMH Labs is a healthcare delivery company located in Ontario, Canada.
Quotation Mark

Trusted by Companies & Partners Worldwide

The intelligent automation process we developed with the OpenBots team addresses over 90% of our customer service request variations. By targeting specific, time consuming segments of the customer journey, such as data validation and processing, we've increased efficiency without compromising the customer experience.

This automation enables us to process customer requests more quickly and accurately, eliminating overnight and weekend queue times. Additionally, our live agents can now allocate more time to human-assisted channels, focusing on edge cases and providing personalized assistance for customers with complex inquiries, enhancing the overall customer service experience.

Sameer Mohsin VP of Information Technology at New Leaf Service

After much analysis, we chose OpenBots as our RPA service provider.

Our bots automate the preparation of an approved patent application for filing, the checking of the patent application and its corresponding filing documents for accuracy, and the uploading of the patent application to Patent Center.

The future is now at Harrity & Harrity, LLP.

John Harrity Harrity & Harrity, LLP.

With OpenBots, we can automatically move critical patient data between Health Cloud and our EMR which allows us to expedite service and scale our business. Embracing this technology lets us eliminate work that is no longer necessary creating more time spent with patients, less training for new employees, and decreases the FTE’s required to perform the same amount of work.

Michael Rappaport CEO MarketPlace Physical Therapy

OpenBots opens many opportunities for us to build cost-efficient bots!

Chief Executive Officer Hyper-Bot

The overall project was an unquestionable success. I would absolutely recommend OpenBots as an RPA platform solution.

Joe Lewis Chief Technology Officer, Plaza Home Mortgage

Having an outside partner that is truly objective that can look at a process side-by-side and coming with an outside perspective is critical to identifying the optimal solution. We found this to be the hidden value.

Andrew Duncan SVP and Mortgage Technology and Compliance, TruHome

I wanted a company that was willing to partner with is to accomplish what we wanted to do with automation. When I started talking to OpenBots, it felt that this was very much the case, and it has proven out to be so.

Jeff Nickles Vice President of Data, Insurica

OpenBots are movers and shakers in this field.

Eric Marshall Director of Intelligent Automation, SelectQuote

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